Hullo bloggers!!
Tody I will be awnsering this One and only Ivan ponder. If you confused of the title- Ivan’s gorilla name is… (Drumroll) Mud! What a nice name.
Anyway’s lets not get carried away. I’m here to anwser this ponder, not talk about strange names!
So here it is:

I think he does remeber his childhood, and just (As the question said below) dosen’t want to remember, because it’s sad.
Here are some things he remembers
His dad grunting
His dad
His mum
His sister
Being taken away
How Tag got her name
The nest
How he got his name
Drawing on his mother’s back with mud
The yellow bird
How many days hes has stayed in captivity
His sister hoping
Him not hoping
The smell and look of the cargo box
The correct simile/metaphor for his sister wanting to go back, then realising
And yes. Thats alot isin’t it Ivan? The second question asks why Ivan/Mud would want to forget.
Well here is my reason. I think it’s just generally despressing and hes given up with longing to go home. He knew from when they had been taken away. He knew, that they wouldn’t go back. I feel so sorry for Ivan and personally a little more sorry for Stella. She can’t not remember anything because thats how her species of brain’s work. She also stayed longer at Big Top Mall. And when she died she when in a garbage truck. No memorial. No grave. “NOPE TOO MUCH MONEY!” I bet Mack thought. And also she had to wait through unbearable days and nights with an infected foot. That must really hurt.
Thats done.
Would you rather work at the zoo looking after mammals, or reptiles? What sort? Why? Would you work with fish or birds? What would you do to help? I would work at the zoo looking after the small mammals as in rodents! If there are any there.
Blog you later,